Enhancing Flood Resilience in Coastal Areas by Investigating Issues and Countermeasures Using Digital Twin Technology
Flood Monitoring System, Resilience, Issues, Strategies, Digital TwinAbstract
The impact of flooding requires innovative solutions for enhancing flood preparedness and reducing societal and economic losses. This study explores the potential of digital twin technology as an innovative tool for flood predictions, enabling real-time monitoring and data integration, contributing to developing more resilient communities and reducing flood risks. This study aims to enhance coastal flood resilience in Malaysia by examining challenges and strategies by applying digital twin technology. The objectives of the study are (1) to identify issues and countermeasures of flood in coastal areas (2) to compare the most relevant issues and countermeasures of flood in the coastal area for different organizations for application in digital twin technology and (3) to analyses the interrelationship among organization for application in digital twin technology in Malaysia. The survey gathered collaboration data from 122 participants, comprising clients, consultants, and contractors. Finally, the data were analysed using each criterion's mean score ranking, normalization techniques, Kruskal-Wallis's, spearman correlation, and overlap analysis. The top 4 critical issues are F05, F07, F06, and F02. The high cost of implementation due to the increased amount of sensor and computational resources needed is considered the most critical. While for the top 3 countermeasures are S04, S06, and S07. Improved planning and prediction for floods are considered the highest rank among the countermeasures. The findings of this study will provide practical insights for organizational practitioners in identifying critical elements and countermeasures when implementing digital twin technology in Malaysia. Future industry studies can build on the strong foundation laid by this research, deepening the understanding of digital twin applications in flood management and risk reduction.
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