Comprehensive Review and Future Directions in the Analysis and Optimization of Weaving Areas on Urban Arterial Roads
Urban Main Arterial Roads, Weaving Areas, Traffic Flow Analysis, Traffic Optimization, VISSIMAbstract
Weaving sections are small areas with limited lengths along urban main arterial roads, where vehicles merge, diverge, or cross, influencing road capacity, safety, and environmental circumstances. This review synthesizes research into traffic flow analysis and optimization in these sections to bring out efficiency and safety. It begins by considering macroscopic and microscopic models that describe various aspects of vehicular motion, especially how variations in speed, lane changes, bottlenecks, roadway design, traffic density, and driver behavior manifest in weaving areas. The review has indicated conflict prediction models, two-dimensional models of traffic, and advanced forecasting as widespread methodologies in understanding and resolving various challenges of mixed traffic. This will include using VISSIM to test flow improvement and congestion reduction strategies. For instance, it considers the environmental impacts an emission increase could have due to lane change. The review reflects with critical insight that future studies should cover the optimization of the weaving length, investigation of reinforcement learning, and synthesis of state-of-the-art technologies along with data-driven models to formulate comprehensive traffic management strategies. The ultimate objective is to achieve efficient, safe, and sustainable urban transport systems.
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