Guidelines for Reviewers
Manuscripts submitted to Current Problems in Research journal undergo evaluation by a minimum of two experts, who may serve as volunteer reviewers, members of the reviewers recommended by the academic editor during the initial assessment. Reviewers are tasked with assessing the manuscript's quality and offering recommendations to the external editor regarding acceptance, revision requirements, or rejection.
We kindly request invited reviewers to:
- Promptly accept or decline invitations upon reviewing the manuscript title and abstract.
- Propose alternative reviewers if declining the invitation.
- Notify us promptly if an extension is needed to ensure a thorough review can be provided.
Reviewers are kindly requested to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and contact the journal Editorial Office if they have uncertainties about what might constitute such conflicts. Examples of potential conflicts of interest encompass (but are not restricted to):
- Reviewer works in the same institute as one of the authors.
- Reviewer is a co-author, collaborator, joint grant holder, or has any other academic link, with any of the authors within the past three years.
- Reviewer has a close personal relationship, rivalry or antipathy to any of the authors.
- Reviewer may in any way gain or lose financially from publication of the paper.
- Reviewer has any other non-financial conflicts of interest (political, personal, religious, ideological, academic, intellectual, commercial or any other) with any of the authors.